Corporate programs

All global statistics point to stress, anxiety, unhealthy habits, poor sleep being the common thread between working professionals. For organisations to have efficient employees and loyalty, it is important to implement corporate wellness programmes especially with middle and senior management. At the RR community, we have conducted corporate health programmes across organisations like GE, Marico, Nomura, Accenture, Honeywell, Dunnhumby, Aon Hewitt, Aon Consulting, Cargill etc.

Our corporate programs include:

International women’s day initiatives: Health workshops to pamper your women employees, revel in the gender differences and help them bring out their efficiency and positivity for the benefit of the organisation

Middle management checkpoints: Workshops for middle managers being trained to become senior leaders to prevent heart risks, other lifestyle diseases risk factors that reduce their energy, efficiency and mental output

Senior management sessions: Specialised for top management to release the stress, anxiety and lead a life with lower disease activity, higher freshness and lower ageing. This leads to better decision-making and quicker turnaround decision making

Meditation and breath work: In order to reduce stress levels, we have specialised meditation and yoga coaches that conduct group sessions with organisations to help reduce response to stress and have a calmer mind for better decision-making

Health checks – process oriented: Every organisation needs diagnostics to be able to help their employees get healthier. With our process team, this becomes seamless and easy and we go a step further – providing you the analysis of your organisational health and what steps to take in order to make it better and reduce your insurance costs

Meet our corporate healing team